There are so many memories that I have of Linda, it would take a book to record them. Linda was the most decent, caring,, bravest, patient, human being and closest friend I have ever known. She had tons of people she cared about and who cared about her, but when she talked to you, she could make you feel like you were so special and everything you had to say was important. She had an amazingly positive attitude and spirit and I learned so much from her over the 38 years that we were colleagues and friends. The world is a much better place because Linda was in it, and I will never forget her, mostly because I have so many gifts, cards, and reminders of her in my house and so many thoughts of her in my head from conversations and things we did. Sarah and Lilly, she loved you and your family so much. We talked about about you once at length about whether or not an older, single aunt would matter much to children that were not actually hers, and I told her I had two of them who loved me so much and were so appreciative of children because they could not have any, that if she made time for you like my aunts did, they would love her very much. I do know what you are going through because both of them died when I was in my twenties, one of cancer and I was in the room with her when she died because at that time I was already working, but the other one passed when I was a senior in college and my parents didn't inform me until I came home that year. I still think of them often, but the pain eventually become less. It will take you a lot of time to heal, but you will.We all will as her spirit will remain with us forever. Rest in peace, Linda. I will never forget you.
She was one of my favorite teachers! Rest in Peace
I was fortunate enough to have a classroom across from Linda's when I began my first year of teaching English and Creative Writing at Morton HIgh School. We put together a Mass Media module that was mostly her creation. We team taught allowing students to create their own television commercials. We combined our efforts teaching Thoreau and created a team taught module based on Studs Terkel's WORKING including values clarification, journal writing, and even music lyrics. She was passionate about teaching, books, literature, poetry, movies, and of course television. We spent hours talking symbolism of novels we loved teaching. She cared deeply about animals, those unfortunate and those fortunate cats with whom she shared her home. We became close friends and remained so when I moved away. She came to California to see the ocean and visit me, in that order, I jest. I visited her often, staying on her navy blue sofa in her apartment and then in the house she bought. We exchanged gifts, cards, and calls, never missing a holiday. Her gifts were always specially chosen, many, small individually wrapped ones, most including clever boxes with words of wisdom on them. Did I tell you? She loved WORDS. Me too. We considered ourselves wordsmiths. We loved the word DOLLOP. We liked the sound of THUNDER. She loved navy blue and white. I tried hard to keep that color scheme going when shopping for gifts for her. My last visit with her in May gave clarity to the many reasons I loved her. She was at peace with herself. She loved to give. She was loyal, adored her family, her friends; she delighted in authentic conversations. And she listened. We spent time in Chicago exploring books stores and food. Ah, yes, food. We loved to eat. I digress. It was her calmness and her lack of judgment that taught me the most about life. Even in May facing a poor prognosis, she was circumspect, grateful for what she had, unselfishly loving, and revered being loved. She'd given much thought about dying, but never more than she did for living. She took nothing for granted. She nurtured her family all of her life. She was a role model for them, for me. She taught me how to surround myself with love, what unconditional love is about, to let go of the past and the small stuff. She's still teaching me to live in the moment. Enjoy what you have, she would say. Don't take things for granted. I've become her student. I will continue to learn from her as her lessons will continue. I will miss her every day but take comfort knowing she left behind her smile, laugh, inner strength, beauty, her love of life, family, friends, faith. I will miss her on my birthday and will buy her favorite jonquils on her birthday, appropriately the first day of Spring. I will remember what she wrote on every card to me, to her family and friends. Love Always, Linda. We too must also Love Always. That's the enduring message she is telling all of us.
What a great teacher. One of my favorites. She was always positive and would leave me with a smile. My sincere condolences.
growing up with Linda was always a fun time. Her friendship was very special and something I will always treasure. May she rest in peace. Amen.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
I have great memories of Ms. Luttringer. My prayers go out to her family. She was a truly positive influence on so many she taught.
Thoughts and prayers for three family. I absolutely loved taking English classes with Miss Luttringer.
Linda was the collector for dues in DKG,a honor society of teachers. Linda certainly was a great teacher. Her smile and greeting you at meetings was always welcomed. I just sent in my dues and an e-mail to her weeks before her passing to her new life. She gave me encouragement in my journey with breast cancer. Her words were so kind.Purcilla Purnick was in my 4th grade class at Caldwell in Hammond. Linda recognized something in you as I did also in the 4th. grade. We both knew you would go far! Prayers to all of Linda's friends and relatives. Marlene Lichtle DKG member
When I think back to my high school years, I would have to say that my junior year was my most memorable year. I had Ms. Luttringer for English 5-6. She made that class exciting and fun to be in. I remember submitting a notebook every week for writing assignments. Fond memories of her class and helping us students with the SAFE (Students for Animals, Forest, and Environment) Club.
Linda and I never in forty-five years missed sending each other birthday and Christmas cards, but Linda also sent to her friends and family cards for Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, and sometimes even the Fourth of July. In all her communications through cards and letters to us all, she never failed to write, “Love always, Linda.” And how true those words were. She was always, generous, kind, funny, and dependable…but above all she was loving and lavished upon all of us her spirit of love in a way that even when she is not with us, we can still remember and feel, because it is something that cannot die. It persists even now so powerfully that death itself cannot destroy its power when we remember this wonderful woman, this remarkable friend whom we continue to love as well….always.
The best High School English teacher, very sweet awesome lady. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family & friends.
I was a student of Ms. Luttringer and still remember how she fostered my creativity in Mass Media class. Her influence as a visual artist can still be seen in my life and vocation today. Yes, teachers, you DO make a difference!
Linda was such a positive person that she brightened any place she entered. She will be greatly missed. My sincere condolences to her friends and family.
So sorry to hear of Linda's passing. We met in the Hammond School District and continued our association in the DKG sorority. She will be greatly missed. She had such a tremendously positive outlook on life she brightened every place she was.
I was a student of hers,she gave me confidence in expressing my feelings in writing and loving the community that is NW Indiana thru the stories of Jean Shepard. She called me her "delightfully cynical comedian" She gave the gift of knowledge to many of us. I mourn her passing; the Earth does not glow as brightly now.
A wonderful teacher who will be deeply missed. My condolences to her family.
My english teacher back in high school. God bless and prayers....
I was completely frightened of any literature class and avoided all of them like the plague in HS (I could do that by using Debate credit for English). But as college neared, I realized what a mistake it was. So I approached Linda and asked her to help me. She spent a ton of time making up a reading list for me, talking me through the relevant points and then ended up actually giving me all of the books as a gift. I had never had her as a classroom teacher and yet she did that for me. What an amazing person. Lots of prayers for the family.....
I knew Linda for many years, as she was a year behind me at Gavit High School, and her sister, Judy, was in my class. We also worked together at Morton High School for three years. Linda always knew how to make me laugh, and we had some silly and wonderful fun with some of our other friends. Though we lost touch over the years, only recently reuniting on Facebook, I never forgot her beautiful smile and her joyous way of greeting life. It was my pleasure to have known her.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Linda, you were taken way too soon, but the legacy you left behind will be remembered for ever. You were my "Warrior Sista" and for that I will be forever grateful. My heart breaks and I will miss you. I am so fortunate I got got to really know you after you retired. Just know you had s tremendous impact on my life. I love you.
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.